Monthly Archives: October 2009

The waiting room

I use to think I had a control issue. Truth is I am a producer. Here’s why. I wake up with an ideal day in mind, things I’ll get done, improve, or clean then life jumps in front of it with someone else’s ideal day. It can be the mention of a holiday plan, party, evening out doesn’t matter once its put on my radar, it takes the place of my original plans. Suddenly all my productive focus turns towards seeing to it. Whatever “it” may be. Shopping, fixing, cooking, helping make the “it” happen is very satisfying.

Yet I secretly believe I have this room in my head filled with those days I woulda done my thing, just waiting for me to open the door. My only hope is that when I finally turn the knob things march out single file and not in one huge heap.

The handprint

I can see it on my window while I sit here, thumbs turned right, one tiny pinky a funny long line down the middle. Its been there since forever and I have washed the panes around it already a few times.

Usually I get out the windex as soon as I notice prints on windows, monitors,or mirrors. I suppose its my one oc, (obessesive compulsion) In fact I once took a strangers cell phone and huffed on it then wiped it off. It’s true. When they realized I was only cleaning the phone and they could actually read their text they smiled. Although it seemed well, odd.

But this print comes from my son with Down syndrome. It reminds me everyday that my struggles are never more than I can manage. This is a kid that no matter what he faces in any given day still finds time to give me a big hug and bring a smile to my face.

Cheap can be beauuuutiful

My daughter and I put together a small wedding with 70 guest in two months and just under two thousand dollars, last weekend. Two points I took away from the event.

One never plan parties too far in advance.

And two I will never go back to a landline.

Texting ideas, pictures and alleviating last minute panic via my cell phone was the glue that held it all together. But the fact that we only had a couple of months, kept us from purchasing expensive useless decorations. (Stuff that often goes into the trash once the big party is over anyway.)

The short notice kept everyone focused on the goal and heightened just the right amount of adrenaline to get the decorating job done. But most importantly groom didn’t have time for cold feet!

Getting the lead out

http://img%20src=” title=”img src=\”\”>” />Started out to be one of those dull days when I just sit and stare at the blank screen hoping for some distraction to excuse me. Then good old dad and his various dad-kind of advice popped in my head to remind me that I needed to “get the lead out. ” His version was relative to getting up and being proactive of course, but it struck me that maybe I should just sit and doodle with an old fashioned pencil for a while. Doodle I did and chapters nine through thirteen of my new novel soon followed. Thanks dad!

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