Category Archives: Politics


With the house up in flames about health care reform, threatening to repeal the whole kit n caboodle; mainly due to Judge Hudson’s ruling, that it’s unconstitutional to force Americans to buy insurance. I don’t understand how Governor Barbour  in Mississippi, then can coerce two inmates to buy their freedom with body parts. I mean how are two formerly convicted lifers suppose to pay for this thing especially now with health care reform down the dumper. And if in fact they do meet the conditions of their release what happens if the donor is not a good match after all? Will the healthy one have to go back to jail?

But more importantly here is won’t this set new precedent for early release with other inmates. Just what kind of rights do these women have now that they are actually free? Will they be under watch to make sure they meet the condition and just how much time do they have to comply anyway? What about doctor patient confidentiality? I see a whole lot wrong with this game play. Why not just admit the whole life term for a mere $11 armed robbery, where no one was injured, was ridiculous. It would have been a whole lot easier to forgive stupidity than to twist the constitutional arm to fit this sleeve.

come on sisters don’t just stand there scream!!!

Our sisters in Haiti are suffering a horrifying injustice on top of  the massive earthquake that left thousands homeless with many  families torn apart by death as well as a loss of possessions. In aftermath came the cruelest form of humiliation and pain; women and children are being raped daily many times at the the threat of death.

These women have no one to stand up and fight for them. Their own government and police have even turned a blind eye. I for one am sick to death of hearing of such demeaning human behavior, especially during such weak and vulnerable times.

What savages have we allowed to roam freely among these helpless souls. Abusing their authority in such cowardly ways to take what isn’t theirs. I’m fed up with hearing of it and today as a woman, a mother and a human being I scream enough! no more! we shall not tolerate it ever again!


hot goal seeking missels

A new year looming on the horizon always shoots me into action. I like to begin with a review of my last year, did I do anything noteworthy did a achieve what I set out to do and what mistakes were made. I find it’s also a good time to clean out my files and drawers in my office. It makes me feel as if I am making room for fresh ideas. I also get a glimpse into the stuff I want to avoid wasint time on in the new year. I have two left over christmas boxes I use, one for stuff that definitely goes in the trash and one for stuff I will hang onto, but store elsewhere. I may even go through last years elsewhere box and get rid of much of that too.

I have some new goals for this year so I’ll take a cheap planner with some lines in it and set to work tonight filling in daily and weekly baby steps towards reaching those specific goals. I am going to set a definite deadline this year for the goals too which is new for me. Usually I’m not confident enough to demand outcome I suppose; hint to self this might have been the problem. It’s odd but I can’t even think of having a new years eve party until this has been taken care of. But reading back over the years journal I see that it worked out well for me for the most part. So I’ll fire em up and aim for an amazing 2010.

Would Jesus need a green card?

I’ve just read the saddest grinch story of the season. Apparently some houston santa’s (Salvation Army included) aren’t checking for naughty or nice they are checking to see if the family has a green card. I can’t think of a worse scenario on Christmas than a child being told they can’t get a gift from Santa because they are illegal. Not only is this anti-Santa this goes against every fiber of the real reason for the season. I guess even Jesus would need a green card to walk our streets today.

disturbing the peace

A new low for america’s justice system when they allow someone to cite teens for disturbing the peace because they chose to  sing their micky d order. Either Ronnie mc d got up on the wrong side of the bed or the manager had a hair up his you-know-what and at a hamburger place that may not end well. If you get my drift. I guess since we are in automaton mode and constantly rushing through life at warp speed it doesn’t bode well for someone to stop and enjoy themselves now and then.

tru Chat

I’m half watching a tru TV court session while I work on some non-fictions today, and I can’t help but notice the hours of words they include, simply to avoid a loop hole for the defense or prosecution. It’s an amazing didatic conversation back and forth trying to ah ha one another. You can always tell who is ahead at the commercial breaks by which one is smirking and which one is trying to act cool yet avoid eye contact. Well that and the little announcer remarks. The funniest though is the police officer very controlled in an effort to either save face or prove guilt. He seems to be picking his words very carefully. In fact he simply refuses to let them pull him along with their perceptions. He would rather give a whole paragraph rather than agree with their words. Been on going for well over five hours now. The jury must be in a catonic state.

Sad day

It’s bad enough that military personel get shot down in the line of duty, but to have a fellow officer turn his gun on you while on your own base preparing to go to Iraq is just nuts. Then when you think about this nut being a psychiatrist well you see where I am going here. I can’t begin to imagine the things that went through their minds while this guy was gunning people down around him. “Is this a drill? It sure seems real…” And once they know it is real all the tactical chaos that must have flew into their minds.

Seems to me this was some sort of out of whack attack on Obama’s failure to employ his campaign promises of removal. But the horrible cruelty of it all stuns me. My prayers go out to all of our men and women in the military today and to the families of those who lost a loved one.


I am a bit confused by President Obama. He made an expensive trip from Washington, with all the trappings, including security measures, to speak to an audience made up mostly of students and parents in one of our middle schools yesterday. He came and spoke probably an hour at the most, headed back to the presidential plane and flew home that afternoon. The topic was educational reform which is definitly my favorite topic, but I don’t understand why he couldn’t have done that on you-tube from the oval office and saved all that expense for oh say “educational reform”.